Sunday, February 6, 2011


So my first port of call was Hanoi...up north in Vietnam. First impression: Unbearable heat and humidity and my taxi driver was about 13 years old and I'm pretty sure he had no license! The first of many scary journeys in Asia!! I had swollen elephant feet because of the heat for about the first six weeks..

Hanoi is a very loud and busy place. It was here I realized that there are no 'rules to the road' in Vietnam! It's a free for all! There's no use of indicators.. basically if you are going to overtake you beep your horn. The only way to cross the road is to just walk across slowly and hope you don't get hit. After a few days you do get very fearless and just step out in front of all sorts. Watch the video below and note the lack of paveme
nts, the use of horns and see if you can spot any kids on the bikes!

At first it's a real shock seeing all the kids on scooters...but after a few weeks you're used to seeing 6 kids and babies all piled on with no safety equipment.. eek.

Hanoi was a great introduction to Asian life - I spent many hours walking around the back streets people watching. The lake at night is beautiful, loads of pretty lights all around the side and the bridge is lit up bright red. Gorgeous.

My travels..

So. I’ve been crap at keeping this blog up to date. I thought it was about time to start adding my ‘brain farts’ back down in words and pictures. It’s as much for me as it for anyone else that ends up reading this.

So what better way to kick off than showing some lovely piccies from my travels this summer. I spent 10 weeks travelling solo around Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and then Thailand. I didn't go for any particular reason – I always had it in my head I’d like to go to Thailand, just from hearing other people talk about it…so at the beginning on 2010 I went and had my jabs and started the plan…

It started off as 2 months in Thailand, but then all the trouble kicked off in Bangkok. Eek. Someone suggested I looked it up. The trip ended up being a long 10 week wiggly round trip around S.E. Asia.

Anyways – I was just looking at all my photos, reminiscing and thought – hmmm I shall share them with the world (lucky world!) – maybe there are some other arty folk who will enjoy them and it can give you some ideas of what to see/expect if you’re heading to Asia. I LOVED that artists are so respected and embraced over there. Handicrafts are everywhere and I was so inspired by all the colours and vibrancy.