So what better way to kick off than showing some lovely piccies from my travels this summer. I spent 10 weeks travelling solo around Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and then Thailand. I didn't go for any particular reason – I always had it in my head I’d like to go to Thailand, just from hearing other people talk about it…so at the beginning on 2010 I went and had my jabs and started the plan…
It started off as 2 months in Thailand, but then all the trouble kicked off in Bangkok. Eek. Someone suggested Vietnam..so I looked it up. The trip ended up being a long 10 week wiggly round trip around S.E. Asia.
Anyways – I was just looking at all my photos, reminiscing and thought – hmmm I shall share them with the world (lucky world!) – maybe there are some other arty folk who will enjoy them and it can give you some ideas of what to see/expect if you’re heading to Asia. I LOVED that artists are so respected and embraced over there. Handicrafts are everywhere and I was so inspired by all the colours and vibrancy.